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Adt For Eclipse Mac Os

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Android offers a custom plugin for the Eclipse IDE, called AndroidDevelopment Tools (ADT). This plugin provides a powerful, integratedenvironment in which to develop Android apps. It extends the capabilitiesof Eclipse to let you quickly set up new Android projects, build an appUI, debug your app, and export signed (or unsigned) app packages (APKs) for distribution.
ADT quit unexpectedly Chrashing Error Mac OSX Eclipse.png. This issue is faced many a times while creating/exporting a Signed APK file. There is a workaround of how to avoid Android Eclipse crashing issue. Before Exporting the APK file, Clean the Project + Build. Now go to Project and Uncheck Build Automatically. Uncheck Build Automatically.png. Now when you try to Build an APK file you may not face. After you've successfully downloaded the ADT as described above, the next step is to modify your ADT preferences in Eclipse to point to the Android SDK directory: Select Window Preferences. To open the Preferences panel (Mac OS X: Eclipse Preferences). ADT Plugin for Eclipse UI also features a design tool that enables you to effortlessly and intuitively design the layout of the application via a drag and drop based visual interface.
If you need to install Eclipse, you can download it from
Note: If you prefer to work in a different IDE, you do not need toinstall Eclipse or ADT. Instead, you can directly use the SDK tools to build anddebug your application. Download the ADT Plugin
Start Eclipse, then select Help Install NewSoftware .
Click Add , in the top-right corner.
In the Add Repository dialog that appears, enter 'ADT Plugin' for the Name and thefollowing URL for the Location :
Click OK .
If you have trouble acquiring the plugin, try using 'http' in the Location URL,instead of 'https' (https is preferred for security reasons).
In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and click Next .
In the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click Next .
Read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish .
If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity ofthe software can't be established, click OK .
When the installation completes, restart Eclipse. Configure the ADT Plugin
Once Eclipse restarts, you must specify the location of your Android SDK directory:
In the 'Welcome to Android Development' window that appears, select Useexisting SDKs .
Browse and select the location of the Android SDK directory you recentlydownloaded and unpacked.
Click Next .
Your Eclipse IDE is now set up to develop Android apps, but you need to addthe latest SDK platform tools and an Android platform to your environment.To get these packages for your SDK, continue toAdding Platforms and Packages. Troubleshooting Installation
If you are having trouble downloading the ADT plugin after following thesteps above, here are some suggestions:
If Eclipse can not find the remote update site containing the ADT plugin,try changing the remote site URL to use http, rather than https. That is, setthe Location for the remote site to:
If you are behind a firewall (such as a corporate firewall), make sure thatyou have properly configured your proxy settings in Eclipse. In Eclipse,you can configure proxy information from the main Eclipse menu in Window (on Mac OS X, Eclipse ) Preferences General NetworkConnections .
If you are still unable to use Eclipse to download the ADT plugin as aremote update site, you can download the ADT zip file to your local machine andmanually install it:
Download the ADT Plugin zip file (do not unpack it): Package Size MD5 Checksum 13564671 bytes f1ae183891229784bb9c33bcc9c5ef1e
Start Eclipse, then select Help Install NewSoftware .
Click Add , in the top-right corner.
In the Add Repository dialog, click Archive .
Select the downloaded file and click OK .
Enter 'ADT Plugin' for the name and click OK .
In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and click Next .
In the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click Next .
Read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish .
If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity ofthe software can't be established, click OK .
When the installation completes, restart Eclipse.
To update your plugin once you've installed using the zip file, you will haveto follow these steps again instead of the default update instructions. Other install errors
Note that there are features of ADT that require some optionalEclipse packages (for example, WST). If you encounter an error wheninstalling ADT, your Eclipse installion might not include these packages.For information about how to quickly add the necessary packages to yourEclipse installation, see the troubleshooting topicADTInstallation Error: 'requires plug-in org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui'. For Linux users
If you encounter this error when installing the ADT Plugin for Eclipse:
...then your development machine lacks a suitable Java VM. Installing SunJava 6 will resolve this issue and you can then reinstall the ADTPlugin.
Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plugin for the Eclipse IDEthat is designed to give you a powerful, integrated environment in whichto build Android applications.
ADT extends the capabilities of Eclipse to let you quickly set up new Androidprojects, create an application UI, add packages based on the AndroidFramework API, debug your applications using the Android SDK tools, and evenexport signed (or unsigned) .apk files in order to distribute your application.
Developing in Eclipse with ADT is highly recommended and is the fastest wayto get started. With the guided project setup it provides, as well as toolsintegration, custom XML editors, and debug output pane, ADT gives you anincredible boost in developing Android applications.
This document provides step-by-step instructions on how to download the ADTplugin and install it into your Eclipse development environment. Note thatbefore you can install or use ADT, you must have compatible versions of both theEclipse IDE and the Android SDK installed. For details, make sure to read Installing the EclipsePlugin.
If you are already using ADT, this document also provides instructions onhow to update ADT to the latest version or how to uninstall it, if necessary.
For information about the features provided by the ADT plugin, such as codeeditor features, SDK tool integration, and the graphical layout editor (for drag-and-drop layoutediting), see the Android Developer Toolsdocument. Revisions
The sections below provide notes about successive releases ofthe ADT Plugin, as denoted by revision number.
For a summary of all known issues in ADT, see
ADT 21.1.0 (February 2013) Dependencies:
Java 1.6 or higher is required for ADT 21.1.0.
Eclipse Helios (Version 3.6.2) or higher is required for ADT 21.1.0.
ADT 21.1.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r21.1.0. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r21.1.0 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so. General Notes:
Added new code templates for notifications, blank fragments and list fragments.
Added support for resource rename refactoring. Renaming a resource XML file, drawable icon, an R. field name or ID in the layout editor invokes a refactoring routine to update all resource references.
Added more than 15 new Lint checks, including checks for overriding older APIs, XML resource problems, graphic asset issues and manifest tags.
Updated XML Editor to respond to refactoring shortcut keys such as Refactor Rename .
Updated XML Editor to improve double click handling.
Added code completion improvements for custom views, theme references and class references. For example, code completion in a fragment android:name= tag now suggests completion with a list of fragment classes. Similarly, code completion in the manifest now offers implementations suitable for the given tag.
Updated the Project Import dialog so that it shows a table for all imported projects where you can edit the name of the imported project.
Added support for layout aliases in the Layout Editor. Bug fixes:
Fixed issued with refactoring support for renaming and moving classes and packages.
ADT 21.0.1 (December 2012) Dependencies:
Java 1.6 or higher is required for ADT 21.0.1.
Eclipse Helios (Version 3.6.2) or higher is required for ADT 21.0.1.
ADT 21.0.1 is designed for use with SDK Tools r21.0.1. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r21.0.1 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so. General Notes:
Updated build to detect and handle package name conflicts between an application and the libraries it depends on. Libraries cannot share package names unless all of them share the same package name. (Issue 40152, Issue 40273)
Added a flag to disable dex merging to deal with cases where merging could generate a broken dex file. If this happens to your project, add the following setting to your file: dex.disable.merger=true This setting causes the build system to revert to the older, slower dex processing that does not pre-dex libraries. Bug fixes:
Corrected check for 0px values in style XML elements. (Issue 39601)
Fixed incorrect flagging of formatting strings. (Issue 39758)
Fixed problem where tools:ignore directive in the manifest file was ignored by the Lint tool. (Issue 40136)
Fixed problem with flagging a wakelock release inside a conditional. (Issue 40424)
Fixed incorrect reporting of missing layout_width and layout_height XML fields. (Issue 38958)
Fixed handling of custom namespace attributes.
Added fixes for filtering out library project warnings.
Removed warnings about missing classes before a build.
Android Virtual Device Manager
Fixed handling of devices.xml file in other locales. (Issue 39704)
Fixed problem where the AVD Manager would not allow you to create a new AVD using the 4.0' WVGA or 4.65' 720p device definitions. (Issue 39939)
Fixed problem where deleted device definitions were not removed.
Fixed incorrect screen resolution setting for the Nexus One device definition.
Fixed problem where writing of an AVD settings file does not properly escape path characters.
Layout Editor
Fixed problem where layout cannot render strings starting with @ . (Issue 40222)
Fixed preview error when using the android:numColumns attribute in a layout. (Issue 21296)
Fixed compatibility issue with IntelliJ layout preview caused by layout editor deleting the .android/devices.xml file.
Added fixes to editor for GridLayout .
Added support for ldrtl and ldltr resource qualifiers.
Fixed problem where Android XML resources mistakenly get compiled into *.out.xml output files, causing project errors. (Issue 3767)
Fixed error which caused resource refresh operations to fail. (Issue 39213)
Updated the Custom View code template handle to library projects properly.
Fixed support for library string resources ( strings.xml ) when exporting an application that references a library with string resources. (Issue 39751)
Fixed problem where bad AVD setting files caused Device Manager and graphical XML editors to crash. (Issue 40400)
ADT 21.0.0 (November 2012) Dependencies:
Java 1.6 or higher is required for ADT 20.0.3.
Eclipse Helios (Version 3.6.2) or higher is required for ADT 21.0.0.
ADT 21.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r21. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r21.0.0 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so. General improvements:
Layout Editor
Added multi-configuration editing feature that was previewed at Google I/O developer tools talk in June. For an overview, see the session recording (starting at: 20:30).
Modified the layout logic so that setting a Fragment layout or a ListView preview layout is now applied not only to the current layout but to all other configurations of the same layout.
Updated the editor to include resources from library projects in the resource chooser, XML code completion, Go To Declaration and other editing contexts.
Updated the editor so that it no longer forces all variations of a single layout into a single editor. You can, for example, open both the landscape and portrait versions of a layout as separate editors and quickly switch between them, or even re-dock your editors to edit them simultaneously. If you prefer the previous behavior, set the new option in Preferences Android Editors to use the old behavior.
Improved the handling of RelativeLayout in the layout editor, so that dragging widgets around and deleting them should now result in the layout working more intuitively. In particular, deleting a widget causes the constraints flowing through the deleted widgets to be intelligently adjusted, and when moving widgets the constraints are preserved whenever possible.
Added the ability to specify a default action in Layout Editor views, which you can invoke with the F2 key. For example, after dropping a button or text view, you can press F2 to edit its text.
Added renaming of an ID (changing the android:id attribute) by invoking the Rename shortcut.
Adding a new locale is now easier with the new Add Locale... action in the locale menu. In addition to creating the new values folder, it lets you edit an initial set of translations for the new locale.
Updated the editor so that when a custom view (or incorrectly configured view) throws an exception during initialization or painting, part of the relevant stack trace is shown inline in the layout editor, and you can click on the stack frames to jump to the relevant location
Improved the editor error display to show the relevant part of a stack trace when a custom view throws exceptions during rendering or construction, and provides hyperlinks to the stack frames.
Improved the stack trace display for exceptions for custom views that are generated during rendering.
Updated the configuration chooser so that it shows full language and region names (not just 2-letter codes) in menus, in the configuration dialog and other editing contexts.
Improved the device menu in the configuration chooser.
Added over 25 new lint rules for resources, locale settings, layout files, incorrect use of SparseArray and PowerManager.WakeLock and manifest issues.
Improved the XML export function to support the Jenkins Lint plugin.
Modified the plugin to remember which editor mode (text or graphical) you were last using for each type of editor (layout, manifest or values) and uses that mode for newly opened files. This means that if you prefer to work with just XML, the editors start showing you XML text editors after you have switched to them for each type of editor.
Updated XML code completion so that it completes (and shows documentation for) theme references, such as ?android:attr/dividerHeight .
Android Virtual Devices (AVD)
Added new Device Definitions tab in the AVD Manager for configuring standard size and Nexus virtual devices.
Improved emulators so that they launch with a skin that is dynamically generated and reflects the actual hardware configured in the AVD Manager.
Improved the new template mechanism, cleaned up the existing templates and added several new templates
Added ability to export images and frames in the Tracer for OpenGL ES tool.
Integrated the Systrace tool into the DDMS perspective.
Improved the JUnit test runner to allow a test to be run on all connected devices simultaneously. Bug fixes:
Fixed the editors so that attributes and resources specified by XML files in the /values directory are validated when files are saved.
Added a workaround for a bug in Eclipse on Mac OS X 10.8 where the Property Sheet was not working properly.
ADT 20.0.3 (August 2012) Dependencies:
Java 1.6 or higher is required for ADT 20.0.3.
Eclipse Helios (Version 3.6.2) or higher is required for ADT 20.0.3.
ADT 20.0.3 is designed for use with SDK Tools r20.0.3. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r20.0.3 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so. Bug fixes:
Fixed issue with keyboard shortcuts for editors in Eclipse Juno (Version 4.x).
Fixed problem with cached download lists in SDK Manager.
ADT 20.0.2 (July 2012) Dependencies:
Java 1.6 or higher is required for ADT 20.0.2.
Eclipse Helios (Version 3.6.2) or higher is required for ADT 20.0.2.
ADT 20.0.2 is designed for use with SDK Tools r20.0.1. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r20.0.1 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so. Bug fixes:
Fixed keybindings in various XML editors for Eclipse 4.x.
Fixed a bug that occurs when you try to create layout configurations that already exist.
ADT 20.0.1 (July 2012) Dependencies:
Java 1.6 or higher is required for ADT 20.0.1.
Eclipse Helios (Version 3.6.2) or higher is required for ADT 20.0.1.
ADT 20.0.1 is designed for use with SDK Tools r20.0.1. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r20.0.1 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so. Bug fixes:
Fixed issue in the New Project Wizard related to installation of the Support Library.
Fixed several issues with New Project Wizard related to templates.
Fixed issue with the text-based launcher icon in New Project Wizard.
Fixed issue with sticky error markers in Java files.
Fixed problem with manifest merger when exporting release .apk files.
Fixed NDK support to automatically find include path on Windows.
Fixed editor startup exception for new configurations where editor would come up blank.
Added support for xxhdpi density, which was included in API Level 16.
Fixed a bug in the lint check for unprotected broadcast receivers to ignoreunprotected receivers for default Android actions.
ADT 20.0.0 (June 2012) Dependencies:
Java 1.6 or higher is required for ADT 20.0.0.
Eclipse Helios (Version 3.6.2) or higher is required for ADT 20.0.0.
ADT 20.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r20. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r20 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so. General improvements:
Application Templates
Added Android application templates to allow developers to create specific types ofapplications faster, using Android-recommended best practices.
Improved overall ADT performance and fixed memory issues. Loading SDK datashould be up to 30 faster.
Tracer for GLES
Added new perspective view and tools for tracing OpenGL calls for an application andtrack the visual results of each call. (more info)
Added new Lint rules for manifest registrations, duplicate activityregistrations, security checking, correct use of Toast, missing SharedPreferences commit()calls, Fragment class instantiation, and handler leaks.
Created tighter integration of lint with the layout editor. (more info)
Added execution of Lint tool on save option for Java files. (more info)
Layout Editor (moreinfo)
Added highlighting (in bold) for important attributes, inline preview of colors andimages, including the corresponding resource name.
Added display of default values, when available.
Added completion of resource values and enum and flag constants.
Added support for displaying advanced properties, and nested properties for bettercategorization, for example, layout params are listed first as a single nested property.
Display Tooltips over the attribute names, not values, so they never obscure the valuecolumn.
Provided checkbox support for boolean values.
Added support for switching between alphabetical and natural sort orders.
Improved layout editor tool's window management for more usable editing views.
Improved the layout editor's configuration chooser header user interface.
XML Editing
Added go to declaration support for theme references (?android:attr, ?attr:).
Improved code completion in style definitions.
Improved code completion for the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes in manifest files so that version descriptions are displayed for each of the APIlevels
Provided support for code completion of custom attributes for custom views,including current edits to the style files.
Improved synchronization of text and graphic editors with the XML outline view,including outline changes and display of current selection.
Build System
Added automatic merging of library project manifest files into the includingproject's manifest. Enable this feature with the manifestmerger.enabled property.
Added automatic ProGuard support for the aapt -G flag. This change causesthe build system to generate a temporary ProGuard keep-rules file containing classes thatare referenced from XML files (such as custom views) and pass this to ProGuard at shrink-time. Thiscan make the resulting APK much smaller when using just a small portion of a large library project(such as the Android Support library), since the catch-all rules to keep all custom views from thedefault ProGuard configuration file have also been removed.
Added support building and debugging NDK-based Android projects.
Added support to the Asset Studio Wizard for padding and turning off backgroundshapes.
Improved LogCat to allow developers to set colors for different priorities.
Improved app Run functionality to allow running on multiple devices with a single launch.The target tab in the launch configuration dialog includes an option to allow launching on allconnected devices, with the option to further narrow the list to just physical devices or justemulators. (This feature is available only for Run configurations, and not for Debug or JUnittests.) Bug fixes:
Fixed a number of issues where Lint incorrectly reported code errors or failed toflag code issues.
Fixed several bugs in the layout editor.
Fixed compatibility issues with Eclipse 4.x (Juno), including cut/copy/pastefunctions.
ADT 18.0.0 (April 2012) Dependencies: Adt For Eclipse Mac Os High Sierra
Java 1.6 or higher is required for ADT 18.0.0.
Eclipse Helios (Version 3.6.2) or higher is required for ADT 18.0.0.
ADT 18.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r18. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r18 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so. Bug fixes:
Fixed problem where exporting release package does not recompile libraries in release mode. (Issue 27940)
ADT 17.0.0 (March 2012) Dependencies:
Java 1.6 or higher is required for ADT 17.0.0.
Eclipse Helios (Version 3.6.2) or higher is required for ADT 17.0.0.
ADT 17.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r17. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r17 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so. General improvements:
New build features
Added feature to automatically setup JAR dependencies. Any .jar files in the /libs folder are added to the build configuration (similar to how the Ant build system works). Also, .jar files needed by library projects are also automatically added to projects that depend on those library projects. (more info)
Added a feature that allows you to run some code only in debug mode. Builds nowgenerate a class called BuildConfig containing a DEBUG constant that isautomatically set according to your build type. You can check the ( BuildConfig.DEBUG )constant in your code to run debug-only functions.
Added support for custom views with custom attributes in libraries. Layouts usingcustom attributes must use the namespace URI insteadof the URI that includes the app package name. This URI is replaced with the app specific one atbuild time.
Improved Lint features. See the SDK Tools r17release notes.
Improved the Lint user interface
Added Run Lint toolbar action with a dropdown menu for selectingspecific (or all) projects, clearing results and other actions.
Updated the results window to be organized as a tree rather than a flat list. Eachissue type has a single top level item, which makes it easier to quickly scan through the reportedissues and narrow down to the issues you are most interested in.
Added many new toolbar actions to the results window, including expand/collapse,ignore in file, ignore in project, ignore everywhere, show options, and configure columns.
Added new column options for the Lint Warnings tab, such ascategory, priority, project, file and line. The column selection (as well as the column sizes) arepersisted. You can also click on columns to sort by those values.
Added Enable All and Disable All buttons to the Lint Options dialog, and a searchfilter textbox to filter by issue id, summary and severity.
Added Quick Outline for XML editors (Ctrl-O, Command-O). This feature shows the structureof the current file including icons and ids, lets you filter and quickly jump to specific ids.
Updated the resource chooser to shows the resolved value for resources. For example,when selecting @string/hello the chooser displays a resolved value such as 'Hello World').The resource chooser also now allows you to edit the chosen value directly.
Updated Layout Editor so that it does not assign default ids to layouts, includes andmerge tags. This behavior tended to pollute the namespace with a lot of unused resources sincelayouts are not usually manipulated via code, or referenced from XML. (The RelativeLayout editorautomatically assigns ids to views without ids when pointing to them.)
Added ability to export screenshots from the Layout Editor Bug fixes:
Fixed problem using Layout Editor with SlidingDrawer which could not be dragged into the layout on some platforms.
Fixed preview rendering for SlidingDrawer and TabHost . (Issue 23022).
Fixed issues that could prevent layout rendering due to unresolvable resources. (Issue 21046, Issue 21051)
Fixed a bug in resource chooser which made some types of framework resources impossible toselect. (Issue 20589)
Fixed a bug in the formatter where a certain whitespace pattern could result in a non-space character getting deleted. (Issue 23940)
Fixed a locale bug affecting Turkish locales in particular. (Issue 23747)
Fixed an issue where dex complains about duplicate classes in cases where a Library Project depends on the same jar files or Java-only projects.
Fixed an issue where test projects had to independently reference the library projects used by an app project. Now referencing only the app project is enough.
ADT 16.0.1 (December 2011) Dependencies:
Eclipse Helios (Version 3.6) or higher is required for ADT 16.0.1.
ADT 16.0.1 is designed for use with SDK Tools r16. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r16 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so. Bug fixes:
Fixed build issue where the 9-patch could be packaged as normal bitmap in some cases.
Fixed minor issues in the Lint tool.
Fixed minor issues in the SDK Manager.
ADT 16.0.0 (December 2011) Dependencies:
Eclipse Helios (Version 3.6) or higher is required for ADT16.0.0.
ADT 16.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r16. If you haven't already installed SDK Toolsr16 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so. General improvements:
Added Lint tool to detect common errors in Android projects. (more info)
ADT 15.0.1 (November 2011) Dependencies: ADT 15.0.1 is designed for use with SDK Tools r15. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r15 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to do so. Bug fixes:
Fixed how source files are attached to library project .jar files.
Fixed how the bin/ folder for library projects are refreshed. This ensures that parent projects pick up changes in library projects.
Fixed how a parent project's library container is updated when a library project is recompiled. This ensures that parent projects are recompiled when code in a library project changes.
Fixed how res/ folders are checked in library projects. This ensures that all res folders are properly included even if Eclipse is not aware of them due to refresh issues.
Fixed issue that prevented aapt from running when editing certain XML files.
Fixed minor XML formatting issues.
ADT 15.0.0 (October 2011) Dependencies: ADT 15.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r15.If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r15 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager todo so. Bug fixes:
Fixed build issue when using Renderscript in projects that target API levels 11-13 (Issue 21006).
Fixed issue when creating projects from existing source code.
Fixed issues in the SDK Manager (Issue 20939, Issue 20607).
Fixed a scrolling issue in the new Logcat panel of DDMS.
ADT 14.0.0 (October 2011) Dependencies: ADT 14.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r14.If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r14 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager todo so. Build system:
Changed to and to . ADT automatically renames these files, if necessary, when you open a project in Eclipse.
Changed how library projects are built in Eclipse.
Changed output of javac from bin/ to bin/classes in Eclipse.
Improved incremental builds so that resource compilation runs less frequently. Builds no longer run when you edit strings or layouts (unless you add a new id ) and no longer run once for each library project.
Introduced a 'PNG crunch cache' that only runs on modified PNG files, instead of crunching all existing PNG files, all the time.
Modified resource compilation so it no longer happens for normal save operations. It only happens when running or debugging (the build option that lets you disable the packaging step, which was introduced in ADT 12, is now on by default.)
For a complete overview of the build system changes and what you need to do to support them,see the Android Tools Projectsite. General improvements:
Added a Welcome Wizard to help with the initial setup of the Androiddevelopment environment (moreinfo).
Integrated the Android Asset Studio, which helps you create icons for thingslike the launcher, menus, and tabs. (moreinfo).
Revamped the Logcat view and added support to display and filter logs by application names as well as PIDs (more info).
Revamped the SDK Manager UI (moreinfo).
Revamped the New Project and the New XML File wizards to havemultiple pages. Sample projects are now copied into the workspace such that they can be modifiedand deleted without affecting the master copy(more info).
Removed the dependency on Eclipse GEF. XML and Java editors:
Added a new XML formatter that formats all XML files according to the standard Android coding style. The formatter can also reorder attributes to follow a recommended order and processes any changes made in the Layout editor.(more info).
Added the 'Go to Matching' (Ctrl-Shift-P) feature, which lets you jumpbetween opening and closing tags in XML files.
Added support for the 'Select Enclosing Element' feature on Mac.
Added a Quickfix for extracting Strings when the caret is inside a String (seemore).
Improved 'smart indent', which allows automatic indentation and un-indentation when pressing the Return key in XML editors (more info). Layout editor:
Added tooltip feedback for dragging and resizing operations. For example, when dragging in a relative layout, the proposed constraints are shown. When resizing, the new dimensions are shown (moreinfo).
Added the ability to suppress rendering fidelity warnings (more info).
Added 'Remove Container' visual refactoring that removes the children of a container up to the top level and transfers namespace and layout attributes if necessary (more info).
Added pull-right menus to the context menu for accessing properties of the parents, which is useful when the children fully cover the parent and make it hard to select on their own.
Improved access to properties in the context menu. The most frequently set attributes for each view are listed at the top of the menu. The Properties menu offers access to the most recently set attributes, attributes organized by their defining view, and layout attributes only or all attributes alphabetically (more info). Bug fixes: Fixed many bugs and added minor improvements, inparticular some critical bug fixes onLinux.
ADT 12.0.0 (July 2011) Dependencies: ADT 12.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r12. If you haven'talready installed SDK Tools r12 into your SDK, usethe Android SDK Manager to do so. Visual Layout Editor:
New RelativeLayout drop support with guideline suggestions for attachments and cycle prevention (more info).
Resize support in most layouts along with guideline snapping to the sizes dictated by wrap_content and match_parent . In LinearLayout, sizes are mapped to weights instead of pixel widths. (more info).
Previews of drawables and colors in the resource chooser dialogs (more info).
Improved error messages and links for rendering errors including detection of misspelled class names (more info). Build system:
A new option lets you disable the packaging step in the automatic builders. This improves performance when saving files by not performing a full build, which can take a long time for large projects. If the option is enabled, the APK is packaged when the application is deployed to a device or emulator or when the release APK is exported (more info). Bug fixes: Many bug fixes are part of this release(more info).
ADT 11.0.0 (June 2011) Dependencies: ADT 11.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r11. If you haven'talready installed SDK Tools r11 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to doso. Visual Refactoring:
'Extract Style' feature pulls out style-related attributes from your layout and extractsthem as a new style defined in styles.xml (more info).
'Wrap in Container' feature lets you select a group of views then surround them in a new layout (a new view group, such as a LinearLayout), and transfers namespace and layout parameters to the new parent (moreinfo).
'Change Layout' feature changes layouts from one type to another, and can also flatten a layout hierarchy (moreinfo).
'Change Widget Type' feature changes the type of the selected views to a new type. Also, a new selection context menu in the visual layout editor makes it easy to select siblings as well as views anywhere in the layout that have the same type (moreinfo).
'Extract as Include' feature finds identical collections of views in other layouts and offers to combine them into a single layout that you can then include in each layout (more info).
Quick Assistant in Eclipse can be invoked from the XML editor (with Ctrl-1) to apply any of the above refactorings (and Extract String) to the current selection (more info). Visual Layout Editor:
This is the update to the layout editor you've been waiting for! It includes (almost) allthe goodies demonstrated at Google I/O. Watchthe video on YouTube.
The palette now supports different configurations for supported widgets. That is, a singleview is presented in various different configurations that you can drag into your layout. Forexample, there is a Text Fields palette category where you can drag an EditText widget in as a password field, an e-mail field, a phone field, or othertypes of text boxes. Similarly, TextView widgets are preconfiguredwith large, normal and small theme sizes, and LinearLayout elements arepreconfigured in horizontal and vertical configurations (more info).
The palette supports custom views. You can pick up any custom implementations of the View class you've created in your project or from included libraries anddrag them into your layout (more info).
Fragments are available in the palette for placement in your layout. In the tool, you canchoose which layout to show rendered for a given fragment tag. Go to declaration works for fragmentclasses (more info).
The layout editor automatically applies a 'zoom to fit' for newly opened files as well as on device size and orientation changes to ensure that large layouts are always fully visible unless you manually zoom in.
You can drop in an include element from the palette, which will pop up a layout chooser. When you select the layout to include, it is added with an include . Similarly, dropping images or image buttons will pop up image resource choosers (more info).
The configuration chooser now applies the 'Render Target' and 'Locale' settings project wide, making it trivial to check the layouts for different languages or render targets without having to configure these individually for each layout.
The layout editor is smarter about picking a default theme to render a layout with, consulting factors like theme registrations in the manifest, the SDK version, and other factors.
The layout editor is smarter about picking a default configuration to render a layoutwith, defaulting to the currently visible configuration in the previous file. It also considers theSDK target to determine whether to default to a tablet or phone screen size.
Basic focus support. The first text field dropped in a layout is assigned focus, and thereare Request Focus and Clear Focus context menu items on textfields to change the focus. XML editors:
Code completion has been significantly improved. It now works with style elements, completes dimensional units, sorts resource paths in values based on the attribute name, and more. There are also many fixes tohandle text replacement (more info).
AAPT errors are handled better. They are now underlined for the relevant range in the editor, and a new quickfix makes it trivial to create missing resources.
Code completion for drawable, animation and color XML files (moreinfo). DDMS:
'New Folder' action in the File Explorer.
The screenshot dialog will add timestamps to the filenames and preserve the orientation onsnapshot refresh. General notes:
TraceView supports zooming with the mouse-wheel in the timeline.
The New Android Project wizard now supports Eclipse working sets.
More information about tool changes are available on the Android Tools Project Site.
ADT 10.0.1 (March 2011) Dependencies: ADT 10.0.1 is designed for use with SDK Tools r10. If you haven'talready installed SDK Tools r10 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to doso. General notes:
Temporary work-around to resolve the rare cases in which the layout editor willnot open.
Fixed an issue in which ADT 10.0.0 would install on Eclipse 3.4 and lower, even though ADTrequires Eclipse 3.5 or higher (as of 10.0.0).
ADT 10.0.0 (February 2011) Dependencies: ADT 10.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r10. If you haven'talready installed SDK Tools r10 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to doso. General notes:
The tools now automatically generate Java Programming Language source files (in the gen/ directory) and bytecode (in the res/raw/ directory) from your .rs files.
A Binary XML editor has been added (details).
Traceview is now integrated into the Eclipse UI (details).
The 'Go To Declaration' feature for XML and .java files quickly show all the matches in the project and allows you jump to specific items such as string translations or onClick handlers (details).
The Resource Chooser can create items such as dimensions, integers, ids, and booleans (details).
Improvements to the Visual Layout Editor:
A new Palette with categories and rendering previews (details).
A Layout Actions bar that provides quick access to common layout operations (details).
When the Android 3.0 rendering library is selected, layouts render more like they do on devices. This includes rendering of status and title bars to more accurately reflect the actual screen space available to applications (details).
Zoom improvements such as fit to view, persistent scale, and keyboard access. (details).
Further improvements to merge layouts, as well as layouts with gesture overlays (details).
Improved rendering error diagnostics. Download Eclipse Adt For Android
ADT 9.0.0 (January 2011) Dependencies: ADT 9.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r9. If you haven'talready installed SDK Tools r9 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to doso. General notes:
'Go To Declaration' hyperlink support: You can jump directly from code references (such as ) to the corresponding XML declaration, or from XML attributes (such as @string ) to the corresponding resource definition, or from manifest XML registrations to activities and services.
Improvements were made to name refactoring.
AVDs now automatically save their state, so they can restart almost instantly. You can enable this feature when creating an AVD or by editing an AVD with the AVD Manager.
Improvements to the Visual Layout Editor:
Support for rendering targets: You can now choose an arbitrary Android platform to render the current page, regardless of the project's minimum platform. This makes it easy to verify the layout and appearance of your activity on different versions of the platform.
Improved support for empty and nested layouts: Dragging items over nested and invisible layouts automatically enlarges and highlights these layouts, so that they can receive drops.
XML formatting improvements: The editor generates cleaner XML and you can now enable XML auto-formatting in the Preferences menu.
Improved Outline labels: The Outline tab now displays additional information about each View. Textual Views display a snippet of the actual text. Views with a source (such as ImageView) displays the resource name. Included Views display the name of the View.
When you right click a View in the Layout Editor, the context menu now contains Edit ID... and Edit Text... items. The Properties... context menus now list all of the properties and provide a way to edit them (Details).
The layout editor now properly handles include and merge tags (Details).
'Extract as Include' refactoring: The Layout Editor has a new refactoring that allows you to select one or more views in a layout, and extract it into a separate layout (Details).
Improved diagnostics for class loading and rendering errors: Class loading and rendering error messages are more useful and provide better information about the root cause of the error.
Improved error handling to prevent drag and reordering operations from adding children into an AdapterView .
Outline reordering: Reordering your views in the Outline tab is much easier (Details).
Fix for keybinding bug where keyboard shortcuts did not work (Issues 13231 and 13134).
Fix for problems with Custom layout attribute menu (Issue 13134).
Automatic configuration for various view types: Certain views have properties configured by default. For example, the width of an EditText object is set to match_parent when added to a vertical LinearLayout or a default image is added to an ImageButton .
Previews during dragging: Dragging from the palette or dragging within the layout editor now shows live previews of the dragged item.
Navigation improvements: In the Layout Editor, double-clicking Views jumps to the corresponding XML element. In the Outline view, double-clicking opens the Properties view.
The editor has Honeycomb style animation preview support.
Improved rendering support for various Views (such as TabHosts and SlidingDrawers) in Honeycomb (Issues 3162 and 13092).
Included layouts can be rendered and edited in the context of the layouts that include them. From a layout using an include tag, double-clicking on the include element edits the referenced layout in the context of the current layout. Additionally, when editing a layout that is included by other layouts, you can quickly change between context layouts, by right clicking in the editor and choosing Show included in... . This feature is only available in Honeycomb.
This release fixes many other bugs, but the most important ones are listed below:
Fixed issue that prevented launching debug builds on productions devices when debuggable=true was not set in the Android manifest.
The LogCat view in DDMS properly handles UTF-8 characters.
The SDK Manager is more reliable on Windows (Details).
A JUnit initialization bug that prevented you from working with JUnit tests was fixed (Issue 12411).
ADT 8.0.1 (December 2010) Dependencies:
ADT 8.0.1 is designed for use with SDK Tools r8. If you haven'talready installed SDK Tools r8 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to doso. General notes:
This is a quick follow-up to ADT 8.0.0 to fix some bugs.
Fixes an issue in which projects failed to compile, citing a dex error.
Better ProGuard error reporting when exporting applications for release.
Also see the recent release notes for 8.0.0, below.
ADT 8.0.0 (December 2010) Dependencies:
ADT 8.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r8. If you haven'talready installed SDK Tools r8 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to doso. General notes:
New version number scheme that follows the SDK Tools revision number. The major versionnumber for your ADT plugin should now always match the revision number of your SDK Tools. Forexample, ADT 8.x is for SDK Tools r8.
Support for true debug build. You no longer need to change the value of the debuggable attribute in the Android Manifest.
Incremental builds automatically insert debuggable='true' , but if you perform 'export signed/unsigned application package', ADT does not insert it. If you manually set debuggable='true' in the manifest file, then release builds will actually create a debug build (it does not remove it if you placed it there).
Automatic ProGuard support in release builds. For it to work, you need to have a proguard.config property in the file that points to a ProGuard config file.
Completely rewritten Visual Layout Editor. (This is still a work in progress.) Now includes:
Full drag and drop from palette to layout for all Layout classes.
Move widgets inside a Layout view, from one Layout view to another and from one layout file to another.
Contextual menu with enum/flag type properties.
New zoom controls.
New HierarchyViewer plugin for Eclipse.
Android launch configurations no longer recompile the whole workspace on launch.
The location of android.jar source and javadoc can now be configured.
ADT 0.9.9 (September 2010) Dependencies:
ADT 0.9.9 replaces ADT 0.9.8 and is designed for use with SDK Tools r7and later. ADT 0.9.9 includes the ADT 0.9.8 features as well as an importantbugfix, so we recommend that you upgrade as soon as possible. If you haven'talready installed SDK Tools r7 into your SDK, use the Android SDK Manager to doso. General notes:
Fixes a problem in project import, in which source files were deleted in some cases.
Includes all other ADT 0.9.8 features (see below).
ADT 0.9.8 (September 2010) Dependencies:
ADT 0.9.8 is now deprecated. Please use ADT 0.9.9 instead. General notes:
Adds a new Action, 'Rename Application Package', to the Android Toolscontextual menu. The Action does a full application package refactoring.
Adds support for library projects that don't have a source foldercalled src/ . There is now support for any number of source folders,with no name restriction. They can even be in subfolder such as src/java . If you are already working with library projects createdin ADT 0.9.7, see Migratinglibrary projects to ADT 0.9.8 for important information about movingto the new ADT environment.
Adds support for library projects that depend on other libraryprojects.
Adds support for additional resource qualifiers: car / desk , night / notnight and navexposed / navhidden .
Adds more device screen types in the layout editor. All screenresolution/density combinations listed in the SupportingMultiple Screens are now available.
Fixes problems with handling of library project names thatcontain characters that are incompatible with the Eclipse path variable.Now it properly sets up the link between the main project and the libraryproject.
ADT 0.9.7 (May 2010) Library projects:
The ADT Plugin now supports the use of library projects duringdevelopment, a capability that lets you store shared Android applicationcode and resources in a separate development project. You can then reference thelibrary project from other Android projects and, at build time, the toolscompile the shared code and resources as part of the dependent applications.More information about this feature is available in the Creating and Managing Projects document.
If you are not developing in Eclipse, SDK Tools r6 provides the equivalent libraryproject support through the Ant build system.
ADT 0.9.6 (March 2010) Dependencies:
ADT 0.9.6 is designed for use with SDK Tools r5 and later. Beforeupdating to ADT 0.9.6, we highly recommend that you use the Android SDK Manager to install SDKTools r5 into your SDK. General Notes:
Editing outside of Eclipse will nowautomatically update the project.
Loads the SDK content only when a project requires it. This will makeEclipse use less resources when the SDK contains many versions of Android.
Resolves potential deadlock between modal dialogs, when launching ADT thefirst time with the SDK Usage panel.
Fixes issues with the New Project Wizard when selecting samples. AVD/SDK Manager:
Adds support for platform samples packages.
Improves support for dependency between packages.
AVDs now sorted by API level.
The AVD creation dialog now enforces a minimum SD card size of 9MB.
Prevents deletion of running AVDs. DDMS:
DDMS plug-in now contains the Allocation Tracker view.
New action in the Logcat view: 'Go to problem' lets you go directly from anexception trace output to the code. Editors:
Explode mode in the Visual Layout Editor adds a margin to all layout objectsso that it's easier to see embedded or empty layouts.
Outline mode in the Visual Layout Editor draws layout outline to make iteasier to see layout objects.
Several fixes in the configuration selector of the Visual LayoutEditor. Application launching:
Applications launched from ADT now behave as if they were clicked from theHome screen.
Fixes an issue where add-ons without an optional library would not show up as validtargets for application launches.
Resolves a possible crash when launching applications.
ADT 0.9.5 (December 2009) Dependencies:
ADT 0.9.5 requires features provided in SDK Tools r4 or higher. If you installADT 0.9.5, which is highly recommended, you should use the Android SDKManager to download the latest SDK Tools into your SDK. For more information,see Exploring the SDK. General notes:
The AVD Launch dialog now allows you to set the scale value.
Fixes a potential NullPointerException in the SDK Manager when you launch an AVD that does not have a skin name specified.
Fixes an XML validation issue in older Java versions.
.apk packaging now properly ignores vi swap files as well as hidden files.
ADT 0.9.4 (October 2009) Dependencies:
ADT 0.9.4 requires features provided in SDK Tools r3 or higher. If you installADT 0.9.4, which is highly recommended, you should use the Android SDKManager to download the latest SDK Tools into your SDK. For more information,see Exploring the SDK. Project Creation Wizard:
New option to create a project from a sample by choosing it from a list. Layout Editor:
Improved Configuration selector that lets you see how your layout willrender on different devices. Default device descriptions include ADP1and Google Ion, while SDK add-ons can also provide new descriptions.A new UI allows you to create custom descriptions.
Adds a new clipping toggle, to let you see your full layout even if it'sbigger than the screen. DDMS integration:
Includes the improvements from the standlone DDMS, revision 3.
Adds an option to open HPROF files into eclipse instead of writing them ondisk. If a profiler such as MAT (Memory AnalyzerTool) is installed, it'll open the file. Android SDK and AVD Manager integration:
Includes the improvements from the standalone Android SDK and AVD Manager,revision 3.
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